"BioBalia" means BIOlogy in BALance.

Do You Fit This Profile?

  • You want to feel more peaceful in life and relieve personal stress. 
  • You're a tree lover and you want to help your trees through climate extremes. 
  • You may feel confused (or hopeless) about the technological and/or governmental approaches to climate change and think: There must be a better way.” 
  • You are open minded and seek to live a holistic lifestyle. You may also be spiritually oriented. 
  • You appreciate learning about relevant sciences but you are also open to learn, grow, and be exposed to ideas that don't fit the mold.
  • You long for hope about a positive environmental future … and are willing to do-it-yourself and be part of the solution! 
  • You just need some reassurance and to learn simple “how-tos.” 

If you answered "yes" to one or more of those points, then you are in the right place.

Free Access to Our Earth Day 2024 Video Talk...

Learn how to make a difference to yourself and your trees and plants in the face of climate extremes.

  • Find out how to interact with them so they regain inner health and climate resilience...

...by being empowered to help their internal functionality flow.

...by shifting to collaboration with their point of view.

  • Make a choice to UpShift your heart, mind, and spirit into a higher paradigm for a beneficial climate future for all. 
  • Receive the gift of a process you can easily do for the health of your trees/plants… so you can overcome “helplessness or hopelessness” about climate dangers.

Soon, the video talk will become part of a new course.

Brand New Course: Three Secrets and One Easy Step for Climate Survival!

Watch this Excerpt!

Here's a taste of our new course: Collaborative Consciousness, A Whole New Way to Rescue Trees in Climate Extremes.

Top 10 Benefits of our courses:

  1. Become an active PARTNER with Nature.
  2. Get practical Information that leads to enlightened stewardship.
  3. Feel empowered in the face of climate extreme dangers.
  4. Have inspiring experiences of Connection with trees and all plants as living and sacred Beings.
  5. Upgrade your mindset about what trees, plants, crops, water-based plants, and forests need to be healthy.
  6. Develop more inner quiet
  7. Gain new skills with mindful methods.
  8. Understanding relevant new sciences.
  9. Feel your curiosity satisfied.
  10. Have realistic hope for a positive future on a livable planet

BioBalia Institute School will help you restore your inner peace and become empowered to rescue trees from climate extremes.

Partnering With Nature the BioBalia way empowers people and can begin to restore a livable planet.

  • Feel the inner peace of experientially CONNECTING with the Intelligence (or Spirit) of trees, plants, crops, forests, and ecosystems so that you can insightfully COMMUNICATE, consciously COLLABORATE, and intentionally CO-CREATE...
  • Be empowered with mindful methods and collaborative skills for healing stressed trees (and all kinds of plants) and protecting them from climate extremes appeals to you...
  • If you seek a mutually healing and enlightened relationship with Nature that leads to a positive and sustainable future on a livable planet... you're in the right place.
Please enroll in the BioBalia Institute School to get more information about the various kinds of classes.. some free, some at reasonable prices.

***Categories of Courses***

At the "available Courses" top of screen menu, you can search on the categories by going to the upper left drop-down menu, then select the category you want.
Paradigm Jumping

Transition out of the toxic beliefs of the old paradigm into empowerment so you can take climate solutions into your own hands, heart, and mind.

Become a Tree Protector

Easy, simple ways to protect your trees from damage, decline, and climate extremes.

Partnering with Nature

Learn our special and proprietary "4Cs" ways to partner with Nature: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Co-Create.
Courses available now:

Tree Whispering

Have a personally satisfying inner experience of relationship with trees, plants, crops, or forests as intelligent--even spiritual--beings. It's a mutual give and take of information and healing energies in these times of climate dangers. 


Mutual Healing Between People and Trees or Plants

Many people feel that they are healed by trees or plants... and we believe they are. However, it's better to also "give back" to the generous tree or plant by giving it healing at the same time. 

Courses coming soon.

Insights and Secrets from The Tree Whisperer

Dr. Jim Conroy, The Tree Whisperer®, shares insights about how trees operate from the inside out. He tells their secrets.

Conscious Collaboration with Intellligence

Trees, plants, crops, ocean plants, and forests all have deep intelligence.

Gain insight into how to consciously collaborate with them to co-create a livable planet.

Spirit in Trees

Not only does the Plant Kingdom have deep intelligence, but many people feel that trees and all plants have Spirit. Find out more.

Courses coming soon.

Courses Offer to You:

  • Secrets that empower YOU to heal and protect trees, plants, crops, forests, and ecosystems in climate extremes. Secrets that give you "realistic hope" for a livable planet.
  • Sacred Connection with Trees
  • Practical Information for Partnering with Nature the BioBalia Way: using conscious collaboration
  • Experiences and Skills
  • Healing for you in body, mind, and Spirit while you heal the trees and plants you love. 

Co-founders and teachers
at BioBalia Institute:
Jim Conroy, PhD, and Basia Alexander

We have been healing trees and teaching people how to partner with Nature since 2005.

For a lot more information about each of us:

Basia: www.PartnerWithNature.org/about/basia-alexander

Dr. Jim: www.TheTreeWhisperer.com/about

BioBalia Institute School, Save Trees, Empower People, Restore a Livable Planet

The school's mission...

...is to save trees and empower people to restore a livable planet.

BioBalia Institute School has a globally unique and enlightened approach to partnering with Nature:

  1. conscious connection,
  2. communication,
  3. collaboration, and
  4. co-creation with the deep intelligence in trees, plants, crops, forests, and ecosystems
  5. to empower people and restore a livable planet.

Go to Our Websites


is the only website to share these and other secrets for a positive, environmentally-sane, and livable future:

  • how to have meaningful and mutually beneficial experiences of connection with a tree or plant of any kind.
  • why MUTUAL healing with trees and plants is so important.
  • how to survive, and even thrive, in climate extremes.
  • why humanity needs to shift from its human-centric focus to nature-centric and consciously collaborative partnership the BioBalia Way with all living beings.
  • and other secrets for a livable planet.


Jim Conroy — PhD in Plant Pathology, 30+ years in the agricultural chemical business, and 20 years as The Tree Whisperer® — has BOTH the scientific knowledge of how plants really operate on the inside AND an extraordinarily sensitive intuitive relationship with all members of the Plant Kingdom.

"Dr. Jim's" mission is to SAVE trees by HEALING trees. 

He knows what they need because he has ASKED them what they need.

His gift is to translate that into the correct physiology and scientific detail. He always works collaboratively and co-creatively with them.